
You know that Seinfeld episode...

...called "The Opposite" where Jerry realizes that everything in his life always balances out? It's the one where George's life turns around after he decides to do the complete opposite of his natural instincts, whereas Elaine's life turns into a disaster? Jerry always has one successful friend and one loser friend. Jerry loses a gig, but he gets another one the next day. He purposely throws a twenty dollar bill out his window...and George just happens to be outside of Jerry's building at that same moment so he catches it and gives it back to him.

I had a realization at some point this summer that it is the same thing for me. Except that, in my instance, the planets align in such a way that no matter what, my bank account always balances out...to a nice even zero. I get $500 back in my tax refund...and my car needs a new set of tires to pass inspection. I get an increased adjunct teaching load...but my weekly commute increases as well. I get a sweet summer job at a music festival in Brevard...and the state of NC takes exactly the amount out in taxes that I had computed I would be able to save, so that after monthly expenses for the summer are paid for I am left with...zero.


Anyway, this was a long winded way of telling you that I am apparently going to be teaching five - FIVE! - music courses at Commerce this Fall semester: Intro to Music Lit for non-majors, Theory I, two sections of Ear Training I and Freshman Success. And all between the hours of 8am and noon, so I will still be teaching clarinet childrens in Dallas in the afternoons. Criminy! This all means, theoretically, that I should be earning more money this Fall than any other semester here at Texas...but I know better than to start planning for any actual "fun" personal expenses like, I don't know, a new pair of brown boots or a good haircut or something. Especially when I think Winnie the Old Toyota has an oil leak and needs a tire alignment. Bleh. But I'll worry about all that on October 1.

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