
Confessions of a thirty-year old neurotic.

I have these minor facial tics. They're not even facial tics, really, because I'm not THAT psychologically unstable. Just these ...habits... that I tend to have on a regular basis. In a repeated fashion. Like furrowing my left eyebrow. And chewing on my bottom lip. No harm, no foul. Until I effing turned thirty this year and realized that, all of a sudden, these non-tics are now resulting in seemingly permanent creases on my face that won't go away. Not just my aforementioned Furrowed Left Brow Wrinkle of Doom, but now also a newly-discovered Right Corner of Mouth Frowny Wrinkle of Death. BLLAAAARRRRGGH!!! Oil of Olay Wrinkle Cream, take me away!

...Final pictures from Brevard to be posted soon, okay?! I promise!! I'm working on it little by little.

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