
Brevard: Day Twenty-one

Woot woot woot! Week Three under my belt!

So I fixed myself a gin and tonic earlier this evening because 1) I deserve a cocketail damint and 2) I thought maybe maaaybe the subsequent relaxation would help in my doble tonguing skillz (it didn't). Instead I found myself putting my clarine away and listenig to Chris Cornell's cover of "Billie Jean" instead. What an awesome cover. Do yo know it? You should. It's awesome.

Anwyay. I'm now in French Quarter and slightly less sober. Oops. It's okay though. No one can tell. HAHAHA. yeah right.

Hey, here's a picture of French Quarter I took earlier this after noon when I was sober:

I was way stealthy. Anhway, see that sneakered leg sticking up from those black leather chairs in front of the television? That's one of our opera coaches taking a nap. HE WAS SNORING SO LOUD that I was tempted to take a picture and tack it up on the wall. Or, you know, take a video and put it on my blog. But I didn't because I'm a good person. Speakong of good people (NOT). That fellow on the right hand side near the window wearing a blue shirt and a
yarmulke? Guess who that is? YONI THE ANGRY JEW, that's who!! Click on the picture to see a closer view of him in all his angry hunched over glory! And if I were to pan my camea to the left and show you what's outside, you'd see his silver Honda BECAUSE HE DROVE TO FRENCH QUARTER.

I had stories to tell but I can't think of them right now. Oh, I went to the clairnet studio class earlier this evening and one of them was really good and the other two were meh. I should try to not be so intimidated by these young scary prodigies. Really, I think I could take most of them in a dark alley during a vicious dirty clarinet battle. So what if they are locked in their rooms practicing for eighty million hours a day instead of watching terible reality television and eatig questionable meat-products like me?

Oy, I'll have a beter post tomorrow I hope.

Oh wait. Let me just asy this. So I've been slowly but surely wokring my way thorugh all of teh LOST DVDs starting from the very beginnig while I've been here (usually late at nigh after closing FQ and after battling the moths and spiders inside my cabin) and I'm now coming up to the Season 2 Finale. I rewatched this scene earlier and started outright clapping and giggling over how AWESOME a scene it was:

OMG do you remember how aweosome that was?!?! When Ben wasn't Ben but he was Henry Gale?? And he was totally manipulating Locke by playing him against Jack?? And Mr. Eko was still around and he was totally dark and mysterious and kick-ass??!! *sigh* Poor Libby. Poor Libby and Hurley. POOR MICHAEL WHO ONLY WANTED TO RESCUE HIS SON WAAAAAAAAAALT ABOVE ANYHTHING ELSE?? *siiiiiiiiiigh* I love you LOST 4evah and evah!

ps. As I'm rewatching this entire series from the beginning, I'm having a hard time DISbelieving that the writers and creators had a plan for the entire scope of the story all along. Becasuse there are so many clues and allusions to the series finale and endgame even in the first two seasons!! Ugh. I HEART THIS SHOW SO HARD.

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