Crazy Lunatic Supervisor has been really really nice to me all week. I mean, Really. Nice.
Perhaps she shall be renamed here-to-fore as Crazy Lunatic Penitent Supervisor. ...Nah, that's too many words.
I think this is the first stage in Crazy Lunatic Supervisor's Inevitable Gradually Increasing Freak Out Regarding Ysabel's Impending Departure. Also, I have been quite the productive machine this week -- probably an end result of my attempt to minimize the amount of verbal interaction with Crazy Lunatic Supervisor and Telefund Manager as much as possible. In addition to the usual inane tasks I typically do on a daily basis, I've even managed to tackle a few additional projects, including the updating of the symphony subscription online renewal webpages and the layout of an insert that will be part of our Chamber Series renewal launch. God, I'm good. And with Favorite Cool Co-worker out on vacation all week, I think it's hitting even harder just how efficient and fabulous I really am at work. *sigh* I love me.
In other news, Bossman gave me this assignment yesterday: "Think about what you perceive to be this organization's greatest strength and its greatest weakness. Please submit to me by the end of day tomorrow."
Hm, well that's easy: "I believe our greatest strength is Me. Our greatest weakness is the lack of a Star*ucks located directly within our office building."
Hahaha. Just kidding. But, in all honesty, do I really want to sit down and conjure up an insightful and well though-out response? The answer, of course, is "hell to the no." I'm just not in the right mood to reach up into my darkest crevices in order to pull some brilliant answer out of my arse. I thought I was done with having to write essay questions after high school. Bah. I've got about 4 hours to turn something in...
And in news that will make my mother call me up the instant she reads this to tell me to move back home: Bossman told me that he had recently been in contact with the Executive Director of the Santa Rosa Symphony (I guess they met at some nerdy Orchestra Leadership seminar a couple years ago or something), who apparently said these words: "Tell Ysabel that if she ever decides to move back home, to give me a call. We'd love to have her." Ah, the Ysabel Love-Fest is spreading coast to coast. Don't try to fight it. It'll get to you sooner or later.
Anyway, my response to Bossman when he told me this? "Well, why don't you tell Mr. Executive Director of the Santa Rosa Symphony to move to Seattle so he can get me a job there." Hee hee.
Soooo, which one of these people know someone who knows someone who can get Sarah a job anywhere on the East Coast with the exception of Florida because Florida is full of old people and bugs? Hmmm? ;)
ReplyDeleteI've got the love-ysabel-bug.. and i've got it BAADDDDD....! :-)