
Uh oh.

11:08 am:

I took two ExcedrinPM last night because it was 1am and I still wasn't sleepy and now I'm sitting at my desk summoning up every last ounce of will I have inside me to stay conscious.

Oy vey.


1:54 pm:

Yay yay yay!! Lunch buddy #2 is back from New Zealand!! Which means no more lonesome solitary walks to Star*ucks or through Market Square during my afternoon hour of liberation! She should be here in about 6 minutes to save me from my hazy ExcedrinPM hangover...

ps. Crazy Lunatic Supervisor keeps making comments about how skinny my legs look in the jeans I'm wearing today. Is she trying to make amends? I would too if I knew I risked being thrown over the nearby bridge as a ritual lunchtime sacrifice to the troll who dwells beneath.


3:43 pm:

Just got back from my daily afternoon prison break. Hurray for Heather being back in town! Although since this is my last day of work this week, I threw my previously mentioned no-caffeine rule out the window and got myself a delicious Venti iced coffee from Star*ucks. Hey, here's something I just figured out: sleeping pill hangover + caffeine overload = God-I'm-exhausted-why-the-hell-do-my-bones-feel-like-they're-getting-ready-to-jump-out-of-my-skin-and-holy-crap-my-fingers-won't-stop-twitching-ahhahahaha-time-for-a-nappy-poo-does-anyone-else-hear-that-buzzing?

In any case, I thought I was going to get scolded by Crazy Lunatic Supervisor for taking an extended lunch break -- but turns out she went to a meeting half an hour ago!! Yesss!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you're bored at work. If you need something to do, you can put in the last changes to my thesis for me. I'm on page 36 thus far, only about 65 pages to go!
