It has been brought to my attention that there are some of you out there who read my blog fairly frequently (Hurray for you and for me!) and there are even a few of you who think it is mildly amusing (Hurray for us again!! But I am sorry that you apparently share the same deluded sense of humor and view of the world as I...). However, it is clear that a goodly number of you, for some sick twisted reason, refuse to comment on any of my posts. You know who you are. Yeah, you. I have my sources. And I also have a hit counter at the bottom of this page. Haha! Anyway, back to my point...
Why is this?
Do you not understand how devoid I am of any sense of self-worth and, hence, must base my entire value as a human being on the quantity (not so much quality) of post comments I receive on my blog? And do you not care that, not only do I sit at my desk hour after hour checking my (perpetually empty*) email Inbox, but that, when I am checking this blog, I also click refresh refresh refresh a ridiculous number of times just to see if somebody has just now left a comment for me to read??
How sorry do you feel for me right now? Not sorry as in "remorseful over your apparent neglect for Ysabel's feelings," but sorry as in "disgusted over just how pathetic Ysabel truly is."
Anyway, all that previous blather was to tell you all this: I was in the Little Patron Service Coordinator's room just a couple of minutes ago, and as I was ridding myself of liquid toxins, I thought to myself, "There must be some way to encourage my bashful mystery readers to make their mark on this site. I know! I'll bring back my Guestbook!"
So there you have it. The Guestbook feature is back, folks. It took me forever to relocate the html code for my Guestbook link which I had lost when I decided to redesign this blog. But I found it! Look on the sidebar on the left. Click it. Sign it. Love it.
* Except for yesterday morning, when my sister emailed me, not once, but TWICE and also sent me a link to some very very cute sandals that are on sale at Victoria's Secret. Hurray for my sister! Am I forgiven???
I'm sitting here on my balcony on a lovely summer evening in Paris (days like this kick Seattle's ass, too bad this is just the transition to too hot), struggling to finish my last paper of the year, listening to the Flaming Lips, and distracting myself with giggles about Ysabel's office life. In other news, I wish hadn't deleted the entire second scene of "The Office" (US version). It was so great and I was only halfway through the season. What, they want me to buy the DVDs? What? They're not out yet? Media companies suck!
p.s. I like my blog comment word verification word: munduko!
ReplyDeleteThis time, when I hit "refresh" just once, I got a new comment!
You're my hero :)
Ahahaha. I click refresh on my livejournal friends to see if anyone has updated in the past 15 seconds ALL THE TIME. Yay! If you're pathetic (unlikely) than I am even more so!!! :-D
ReplyDeleteWhat?! No kudos for sending you a much anticipated e-mail yesterday? Even when I directed you to some really cute, really cheap shoes? Disappointed, man, disappointed...
ReplyDeleteAck! I will fix it right now...
ReplyDeleteget rid of word ewvrification if you want people to comment
ReplyDeleteBut that leaves me vulnerable to automated comment spam. No thanks, dude.
ReplyDeleteLike Sarah, I too refresh my LJ friends page CONTANTLY. I don't get quite as many comments as I'd like, either, but I've gotten used to it. Thank you for always commenting, Ys. (:
ReplyDeleteYou should try the new Banana Coconut Frap. Although they probably won't make it the Greg way. Your loss. Ick factor large here but Kristina wasn't looking at VS just for shoes. Aren't you glad I posted?
ReplyDeleteYes, I have been eye-ing that new Star*ucks Frap, but haven't gotten around to trying it yet. I am very wary of banana-flavored things that do not involve peanut butter. Maybe I will try one today... What is the "Greg way"?
The Greg way is to get creative with the recepie guide.
ReplyDeletewow! It's like I'm psychic! I left the above comment before I read this! (0;
ReplyDeleteActually, I feel your pain. I revamped my entire blog on my website, and no one will read anything except myspace. *sigh*