
Short, not sweet.

What's worse: Having a job that's so crazy and stressful that you want to run screaming out of your office while pulling your hair out of your head... Or having a job that's so slow and boring that you look wistfully back to the days when it was so crazy and stressful that you wanted to run screaming out of your office while pulling your hair out of your head? I'm not so sure. But my point is that I am so bored that I'm contemplating stabbing myself in the eyeballs with any of the delightful multi-colored ballpoint pens I have arranged neatly on my desk if only for the fact that a trip to the hospital would give me something to do for the rest of the day. Ok, maybe I wouldn't do something so gross as taking my eyeballs out, but you get the point.

I can't even look forward to escaping this hell-hole during my usual lunchtime hour-long prison break because my lunch buddy #1 left Knoxville yesterday (waaaaah) and my lunch buddy #2 is off in New Zealand, of all places. Ugh, how dare they desert me in this time of crisis?! Bah. How long 'til Scott and I move to Seattle again?? Seven more weeks??!!! Aaaaaaggghhh...

Also: I am PMS-ing and my back hurts like a son-of-a-b*tch.


Oh, and Happy Birthday to my little brother!

At least there's one non-whiny thing about my post this morning. Jaime: May this year bring you much joy and great fortune. Especially the part about the great fortune ... so you can continue to pad my bank account when I call you up for pity money.


Bleah, off to file some papers into the Infernal Wall of File Cabinets, I guess. Oy...


  1. That is what I ponder EVERY DAY in the office. Sigh. I know what you mean by being in the hospital just to give you something to do. Times like this, I feel I get dumber and dumber by the minute. Sigh.

    Without the numerous blogs to read, I think I would die. Thanks, Ysabel!

    Go read Yelp. ahhaha!

  2. Oh, you can read my sister's blog:


    She's traveling the world right now. This should keep you busy.

  3. Dude, I will gladly be a lunch buddy for you! IM me if I need to give you my cell number (I'm not posting it here, lol!). ;-)

  4. http://timoacosta.blogspot.com/

    I just created a blog for my bf's friend, Timo. Check it out. =)
