When I set our AC thermostat at 82, it keeps our condo comfortably cool enough, but seems to run nonstop. When I get paranoid about the cost and set it at 83, it turns the AC off intermittently, but leaves me sweating and just a little bit uncomfortable. Who knew that one degree was such a drastic difference? Because of the electricity bill paranoia, I have turned our hot water heater down a bit and am hoping that will at least help a little bit. Schmoobles pays the electricity bill every month, and I'd like for him to not throw himself out of our third story window when the bill comes next time!
Hey, do you know what the problem is with actually spending 30 minutes (ugh) to flat iron and style your hair? It will end up looking so uncharacteristically good that you will never want to wash your hair. Ever. Ergo, I think I'm going on like day four or five of not washing my hair. GROSS. But what I mean is that it looks FABULOUS. Like, if I were to actually go out and interact in public with other human beings instead of holing up inside and fantasizing about a 3-month long solar eclipse, I would feel totally good about wearing my hair down. But who wants to sit there and go through that whole annoying process again? Not me, that's who. So I just throw my hair up in a bun during my showers. Except it's at the point now where I think the shine that I fawn over in the mirror is actually from the scalp grease (BARF). I think a hair washing is imminent. Sob.
Summer classes start tomorrow. I think I'm ready. Huzzah. I'd be more excited if I actually had my contract in my possession.
Hey, do you know what the problem is with actually spending 30 minutes (ugh) to flat iron and style your hair? It will end up looking so uncharacteristically good that you will never want to wash your hair. Ever. Ergo, I think I'm going on like day four or five of not washing my hair. GROSS. But what I mean is that it looks FABULOUS. Like, if I were to actually go out and interact in public with other human beings instead of holing up inside and fantasizing about a 3-month long solar eclipse, I would feel totally good about wearing my hair down. But who wants to sit there and go through that whole annoying process again? Not me, that's who. So I just throw my hair up in a bun during my showers. Except it's at the point now where I think the shine that I fawn over in the mirror is actually from the scalp grease (BARF). I think a hair washing is imminent. Sob.
Earlier this afternoon, I was in our Room Of A Million Unpacked Boxes (the den) trying to straighten it up a little bit and practice some piano. Whenever I go in there, BB and Bela love to follow me in and hang out. I think they like it because the door is always closed unless Schmoobs or I are in there so they don't get to go in very often, and it's also a giant jungle gym of stacked boxes and sundry items (instruments, luggage, etc.) and I think they enjoy climbing around on everything and finding new places to get into. Anyway, BB was doing her usual thing in there and next thing I now, I hear some rustling. I found her lodged between Schmoobs' trumpet case, a big suitcase and her old kennel trying to climb out but she had gotten herself stuck. I watched her try to pull herself out for like ten seconds. But then she gave up and just kind of sat there looking actually pretty comfortable while she waited for me to come rescue her.
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