
Blogaday Fourteen: "If only I had more willpower."Also:"If only food weren't so damned tasty."

I totally stayed up until almost 3am watching this documentary last night. I am not, in any way shape or formm harboring any delusions that I am capable of adhering to a raw vegan lifestyle for any span longer than 48 36 24 hours, but after watching this film, I have to say I am more than willing to start occasionally incorporating some raw vegan elements into my slowly-but-surely improving eating habits. Obviously, I am not diabetic or majorly unhealthy in any sense (My sore groin just from doing 20 minutes of cardio three days ago says: "LIAR!"), but the idea of caring for your body from the inside out makes total sense to me. The results really speak for themselves.

Note: Never will I ever be able to give up an occasional (ethically raised) steak or (happy, organic) bacon or (cage-free, grass fed) eggs. Let's just establish that right now. But if I had the opportunity to have gourmet fresh, raw vegan meals made and served to me at every meal at no cost for a month, would I be up for it? HELL YES. I mean, look at this woman:

I mean, she looks better than (fifty years younger) Lindsay Lohan, amirite?!

Anyway, so I went to the grocery store to refill on some food (still have staples in the pantry and fridge) for the next week or so and got:
  • spinach
  • onions
  • tomatoes
  • carrots
  • potatoes
  • yams
  • dates
  • blackberries
  • blueberries
  • sweetened condensed milk (Hey, how'd that get in there?!)
with the plan of making some kind of spinach, berry, date, goat cheese salad for dinner tonight. Should be delicious.

Oh, I also got BB some more wet food:
  • "Steak and Eggs"
  • "Chicken and Cheddar Cheese Souffle"
Can you say "Living vicariously through your puppy?"

Speaking of BB, here is a stupid video of BB and her beloved balls:

Sorry so dark. I'll try and pay more attention to lighting next time, I promise. That beep you hear towards the end is the oven timer as I was roasting some vegetables for dinner last night. Nomz.

Oh, and here's an interesting little article about Sinatra I read last night. Makes my shower habit seem downright normal, doesn't it? 

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