
Blogaday Sixteen: "Technically it's still Friday in the West Coast..."

...so this still counts as on time.

As I've learned in life, don't count on any money until you've signed the contract. I'm talking about my summer adjunct contract which, as we recently learned, had not even started the initial processing until yesterday. So I probably won't be getting the piece of paper in the mail that outlines my contract and salary for another week or two. Even though I start teaching in three days. Typical. 

I'm saying all this because I am itching at the bit (What does that mean? What is one's 'bit'? And why does it itch?) to go to a real live hair salon to get my hair chopped and straightened. But I will not be able to spend the moneyz to do so without immediately flagellating myself in guilt until I am guaranteed to actually have the money to throw away. So I am getting increasingly frustrated and impatient. That's all. Wow, this story is really anti-climactic.

Anyway, take a look at how good BB has gotten at being patient during breakfast. My rule for her is that she sits and doesn't dive for her food bowl until she hears me say "Good girl!" In the early days of our training, this whole process would take like ten minutes because, while she understood the command "Sit!", she would immediately jump back up (and howl and spin in circles and run around huffing in protest) and make a move for her food everytime I lowered her bowl another inch closer to the ground. But look how much better she is now! Only one fake-out. Pretty good.

She also clearly is still very passionate about jumping for squeaky balls that are being dangled above her head. Look how much air she gets hahahahah:

Oh, and then I made some food:

Madurrrrros. Look at that caramelizationy sexiness. I had been waiting forever for that ginormous plantain (remember?) to ripen and, finally, today was FRY DAY. Haha! Get it?! I totally didn't even see that coming until I typed it. I am awesome. In hindsight, I probably could have fried it up even two or three days ago as it was so ripe today that the flesh had become almost too soft. But then I wouldn't have been able to make that awesome spontaneous pun! It was meant to be.

Peanut butter and Cocoa Krispies treats. Someone wants to taste. Sorry BB!

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