
Blogaday Twenty-One: "Blackjack! I win! ...I'm done with 'Blogaday'."

Hey, guess what I've been doing instead of spending more time working on my Woodwind Lit class? Check out the bare bones design of my future not-as-secret public blog:

Tell me what you think. I've recently adopted the moniker "Stubborn Tomato" as my anonymous pseudonym. It's fitting because rumor has it that I can be stubborn on rare occasion. And, hey, I like tomatoes. Also, it's totally an obscure LOST reference, which I love:

That picture of the Beebla on the banner (my FAVORITE picture of them ever that I took randomly one early afternoon with no staging and natural sunlight thankyouverymuch) is probably about as open about my real life as I care to get on that blog. Which is going to be very difficult for me to keep in check, but I'll do my best. So it's a good thing I'll still be here to continue making TMI statements and making fun of people I know in real life.

The background picture is a from photo I snapped on my iPhone camera of the vineyards while driving down Highway 12 last time I visited home over Christmas. 

I blew it up, cropped it and edited it to get the right shade of blue-greens and rusty-reds that I wanted. Do you know how maddening and painstaking it is for a computer illiterate musician like me to try again and again and again to get picture files the exact right size (file) and size (dimensions) to coincide with a blog design template?? Very maddening and very painstaking, that's how much. And then it took me forever MORE to get just the right shade of red on the banner to match the reds in the vineyard picture, the red pillow in the Beebla photo and to subconsciously match the concept of "tomato." Sheesh. But I am quite pleased with the end product. Even if it would take a normal person probably thirty minutes to do everything I did in like twelve hours. But I did it. All by myself. Also, I really wanted the entire length of the photo as the backdrop instead of just a cropped portion, but that would have taken another 72 hours for me to figure out how to achieve.  It's just a miracle that I got the tabs and tags to work correctly. I'm sure I will continue to do more tweaking here and there as I work on this thing.

I talked to my dear mother this afternoon - she got me some awesome gifts ("pasalubong?") from her visit to the Great Motherland which I received today! - and she confirmed my idea that I make Stubborn Tomato's focus food and music posts. And I think I'll try and isolate some television writing as well. And that "Before..." tab is because I think a longish-term project I'd like to do on Stubborn Tomato is to go back and gradually repost some of my archives from here, after going through and editing the writing to make it anonymous. That way, in case people (strangers...eeeep!) are interested in reading some of my idiotic backstory, they can get a taste of it without making me susceptible to interweb creepos. Or past employers.

Anyway, I'm kind of excited about it. Let me know your first impressions of just the basic skeleton. Once I've got a bit of content on there, I'll let you all know. Who knows how long that will take me. I'm pretty busy lazy. If anything, maybe I'll get enough readers on Stubborn Tomato that I can buy myself one latte a month with the AdSense windfall.  Mmm...monthly free latte.

Ooh, check out some of my mommeh's gifts!

THE greatest addition to my Star*ucks mug collection. Yay!


"Lola Abon's Durian Delight." Yeaaa boooiii!

The magic lies within.



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