
Not my wisest decision.

Hey, you know what's a really smart thing to do when you are allergic to dairy and trying to cut down on your sugar intake? Buy ingredients to make root beer floats.

In order to make myself feel better, let me list for you the other things that I piled into the grocery cart today:
  • broccoli
  • cauliflower (I am ready to figure out once and for all if I really do dislike cauliflower or not. So far, I'm not fond of it and I don't really know why.)
  • baby spinach
  • potatoes
  • yams
  • onion
  • frozen peas and corn
  • hummus
  • multigrain bread
  • salmon
  • bottle of Green Goodness
  • chicken stock
There. My conscience is cleared. Now I can feast on my root beer float this evening in peace. Right?

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