
Blogaday Twenty: "See yesterday."

Headache still here. Do you know how hard it was to try and get work done on the computer today when I had to squint the entire time and stop every thirty seconds to massage my eyeballs? Pretty hard. Also, I've been eagerly anticipating a package from UPS all day that was scheduled to arrive today. Shortly after 7pm, the tracking service claimed that it had been delivered (Really? News to me.) and that it was left at "Other - released." WTF does that mean? There is no package anywhere in sight. I am in no mood to go treasure hunting outside in the disgustingly humid darkness, so I will wait to uncover the mystery until tomorrow, so I can search around in the disgustingly humid scorching sunlight. Anyway. I'm clearly crabby so I'll just leave you with ninety seconds of BB jumping for a squeaky ball that was just above the camera.

Don't worry, I let her get the ball right after I stopped the camera.

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