
Even BB's pee puddles are super cute! (Or is it just me?)

So, I've finally gotten my inaugural food post up on Stubborn Tomato. Check it.

Also, I'm a little torn about how anonymous/private to go on that blog. Namely with BB and Bela. On the one hand, I feel like anybody who knows me now would be able to tell that it's me writing even if I don't divulge the real names of anybody, not even the Beebla, so it may not be any more dangerous to go ahead and refer to them by their real names on there. But then on the other hand, maybe it's not as transparent as I think and that nobody would be able to tell it's me unless I use their real names on there and they are able to put the pieces together. What do you think? Right now, I've just used the names "President of the Finer Things Club" and "Princess of Team Cuddle," but I am already tired of typing all that out just from doing it once.

Anyway, the other night BB left us a pee puddle on her puppy pad that was in the shape of a heart. OMG ISN'T SHE SWEET???

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