Dear NaBloPoMo,
You can't tell me what to do! You're not the boss of me! Go suck it!
And on the 12th day, Ys rested. And it was good.
In other news, I have learned something about myself and it is this: If I were to ever murder anyone (batty old piano teachers anyone?) and were sentenced to sleep with the fishes, my final meal would be Tom Kha Gai soup, Miang Kum spinach appeteezer, Pad Khi Mao and Massamun Curry. Oh, and a Diet Coke. And then an Almond Joy Sundae from this place. And then a Star*ucks soy caramel macchiatto. The end. I came to this conclusion after eating Thai food yesterday for lunch, Thai food leftovers yesterday evening for dinner, and then Thai food at a different Thai place for dinner tonight. Scott and I have an exciting evening planned, mainly consisting of popping the second season of "Lost" into the DVD player (Omg, this show is ridiculously good. However, Locke: awesome or creepy? Both?), so I will most likely be enjoying some Thai leftovers for second dinner in a couple of hours. If I keep this up, I might just turn into one giant drunken noodle...and then I'd be forced to eat myself. Ooh, what a vicious cycle that could turn out to be...
Anyhoo, apologies for the lack of quality posts lately, mates. Not that this blog is really known for its "quality" posts, per se. More like the complete opposite, really. Poop, farts, Star*ucks, etc etc etc. Anyway, apparently my blog-persona doesn't like to be told what to do. Like, you know, write a mandatory post everyday and stuff. Also: I've done nothing but work and watch "Lost" every night...oh, and eat Thai food. And work has been keeping me busy enough these last several days (weeks? months?) that I can't even post about how bored I am at work. What a shame.
In other other news --
Scott: Ys.
Ys: Hm?
Scott: We need a new bathroom.
Ys: What did you do....
Scott: You can't go inside the bathroom again. Ever.
Ys: What did you do?!
Scott: All that Thai food we just ate? Is now in the toilet. It's making its way down the toilet...
Ys: (silence)
Scott: I saw peanuts.
Ys: (silence)
Scott: It was the size of Bela.
Ys: (silence)
Scott: Except not as solid.
Ys: (silence)
Scott: Like it was in a blender.
Ys: (silence)
Scott: (silence)
Ys: Can I put that in my blog?
Lost is an outstanding show. Don't worry about the slow times it redeems in the end. Locke is just to much a believer.
ReplyDelete1. Slakcer
I love (not) the highly intellectual (not) conversations that you and your Smoopy have. Truly. Envious. (NOT! But somehow still so funny. How do you do that?)