You know what I would love? A grand monster website that has program notes for every single possible piece of music out there. I told Scott this and he said that nobody would bother because there are already books out there. But you know what? Sometimes I don't want to read a whole book. I want 1 - 3 concise paragraphs containing good introductory information that will help me become slightly more knowledgable regarding a piece of music. And then, you know, it can have a list of sources after the program notes for those who want to do further research. Anyway, I think a website like that would be brilliant. Because I've been Googling a certain woodwind quintet and I can't find a damn piece of information about it except for the fact that the Bergen Quintet has recorded it. And that CD probably has some notes in its liner about the piece. But I can't read it because I downloaded the music off of iTunes. Blargh.
In other news, I think I'm getting some kind of bunion in my right foot. Ew. Wait, I don't think bunion is right. There's no gross lump of hardened skin or anything. It's just always sore on that bone underneath my big toe. I'm pretty sure it's because of this pair of brown boots that I bought not too long ago which, while really cute and exactly matching one of my brown purses, seems to be a size or so too big for my tender feetsies. Oh well.
In other other news, I'm planning on taking an unheard-of ten days off from work over Christmas. Huzzah! Huzzah!! Huzzaaaah!!! I cannot wait. Seriously. Can. Not.
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