

What's the point of going to the bulk foods section of the grocery store and making an ultra-healthy trail mix of fruits and nuts (haha...nuts), when all you're going to do is pick out and eat only the toffee peanuts anyway?

Note to self: Just buy a giant bag of toffee peanuts.


UPDATE: I'm sitting here on the couch watching yesterday's "Heroes" on TiVo whilst laptopping and I keep smelling raw onions or really vile B.O. It's driving me craaazy. I've confirmed that it's not coming from my armpit area, nor elsewhere on my body. It's not coming from Bela who is sitting next to me. And Scott's way on the other end of the other couch, so it's not him. Plus, he only smells when he is emitting his (ahem) natural gaseous emissions -- and those always smell like putrid eggs. Where can it be coming from??? Agh.

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