
"Lost" is taking over my life.

And although I would like to be able to use that as a viable excuse as to why I haven't blogged in 4 days, the truth is I can't use that because Scott has been out of town since Thursday and I am too creeped out by the show to watch it by myself. So I haven't been "Lost"-ing at all. Until now, of course, since Scott got back this morning. And after two loads of laundry, a brief apartment cleanup, and the also requisite 2pm breakfast (Corned Beef Eggs Benedict -- oh, those greasy diners will think of the craziest things! -- and Stuffed Hash Browns) accompanied by the requisite Star*ucks Soy White Chocolate Mocha, we have done nothing but watch more episodes of the second season of "Lost." Pretty exciting, eh?

Anyway, I promise to blog more in the next few days. And you all know that a promise like that coming from me is worth just about as much as one of Bela's dust covered turds in his kitty box. Oh well. It's the thought that counts, right? Anyhooo, back to "Lost."

ps. Geez, when are Kate and Sawyer gonna do it already?!

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