
*sigh* Only because I'm contractually bound to post every day...

Just got out of Wind Ensemble. I don't think it's a good sign when you find yourself mentally blacking out roughly 5 times during one 2-hour rehearsal session because your conscious fell into some black fantasy in which you suddenly leap up from your seat and start violently strangling various individuals within the group Homer-Bart-style whilst yelling, "Stop rushing!!! Why can't you play these 16th notes evenly??!! You suck!!! I hate youuuuu!!! Aaauuugh!!!" Vey.

I swear I'm not tooting my own horn (pun intended) here, and not that I don't enjoy playing in an ensemble - especially when it allows me to escape the hell-hole that is my day job - but I've definitely reached the point where I have no more patience for players who cannot play a SIMPLE LINE OF SIXTEENTH NOTES EVENLY WITHOUT RUSHING THEM GODDAMNIT AND YOU'RE A FREAKING DOCTORAL STUDENT IN PERFORMANCE I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH YOU SUCK!!! Oops. I went a little crazy there again at the end. My bad. No wait. I mean they're bad. As in, THEY'RE FREAKING HORRIBLE I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU'RE GETTING A DOCTORAL DEGREE IN MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU SUCK AND YOU SHOULD JUST TAKE THAT HORN OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND JUST BEAT YOURSELF OVER THE HEAD WITH IT REPEATEDLY!!!! GAAAAH!!!!"

*deep breaths*

Hey, this daily posting thing is pretty therapeutic.


In less frustrating news: I got called to play a gig next week. Schubert's "Shepherd on the Rock*" for clarinet, soprano and piano. Pretty sweet. One rehearsal, then it's showtime. My kind of gig. Plus, $80 to play a ten minute piece? Thank you sir, may I have another? Nice.

* Or Der Hirt auf dem Felsen if you want to sound smart. Or pretentious. Whatevs.


  1. Just to let you know I find it amusing when you use the term "gig". When I hear that I automatically think Rock&Roll, you know music that isn't soothing and doesn't put you in a tranquil place. I just don't apply it to classical, but hey that's me. The moaning and lombasting may now commence.

  2. Ys, I thoroughly enjoy it when you post everyday. It lets the filter down justa little bit more and gives the rest of us access to your thoughts. You know, thoughts that if expressed out loud might make you enemies.
