So it seems as though I am somewhat nearing the end of the tunnel, and will have completely paid off my baby boy Lucky sometime next year. Huzzah! Upon realizing this, I did what any nonsensical, financially-inept twenty-something would do and started frantically window (online) shopping for and obsessively researching my next car. I, of course, have no reason to even start thinking about purchasing a new car yet, but ain't no harm in fantasizing about it, know what I'm sayin'? Any thoughts? I'd want to aim for a 2005 model at the earliest. I'm on a Volvo kick lately. Probably because my sister drives one, and it's the cutest thing ever. Also, because I am fairly confident that a 2005 Volvo S40 is unlikely to start growing mold during every rainy season.
I also am a big fan of Mazdas. Don't really know why. I like their styling. But I've never really been familiar with that brand of automobiles, nor have I really been close to anyone who drove one (I think?). No, scratch that. I've known several people who drove Mazda Miatas, but those things look like they'd explode if you just looked at them too hard. No thanks. Long story short: I loathe 2-door cars. 2-door cars are the devil. Perhaps its my version of a short-complex?
I also love love love the Prius. And considering that I come from a Toyota family, it would make sense for me to look at owning a Prius. Especially since I live in the Land of Tree-hugging Hippies, so pretty much every other car I see out on the road is a Prius. But this has somehow had a negative effect and I'm kind of turned off by them now. I gotta be an individual, man! ...even at the sake of destroying the environment. Forgive me, Al Gore!
Anyway, that's it. I'm interested in hearing some of your thoughts, suggestions, fart jokes, etc.
I know why Mazdas. Because in your subconcious you are hearing "Zoom-zoom" and that's just so cute.
ReplyDeleteI myself am a big fan of the "zoom zoom" kid. As is my dad, apparently, as he has both a Miata and a Protege. Nothing wrong with a Protege, methinks.
ReplyDeleteJust call me. I don't want to bore everyone with my long list of questions and suggestions. Although "zoom-zoom" is kinda catchy.