Everyday? Even on weekends? Sheesh.
Nothing exciting to report. Except that today I got my Monthly Confirmation That I Am Thankfully Without Child. My back hurts and I am without Midol.
Also, that I had a soy Pumpkin Spice Latte from Star*ucks on our way to breakfast plus another 2 cups of coffee during breakfast...and I still feel the need for a mid-afternoon Saturday nap. I think a trip to Target might wake me up a little bit. Except that would involve a stop at the gas station. And I think the depths of my laziness on weekends might be just enough that putting gas in (un)Lucky could actually dissuade me from going to Target. Wow. I've sunk to a new low.
Oh yeah, and in case you were on the edge of your seats wondering if I was fired from my job re: my previous post. I was not. He just wanted to ask me about a couple of boxes of music books that he noticed in one of our other warehouse locations. I don't really think Bossman is perceptive enough to realize that my email was making a dig at his expense. In fact, later on that day I sent an email to our accounting person because she was having Bossman-issues as well; problems which involved aforementioned invoice-payment-freakouts by Bossman -- freakouts which, as is this case, can involve Bossman refusing to cut any checks to our publishers until I talk to the account reps and see if I can get them to let us return some product. So I emailed to our accountant:
{Major publisher} does not accept returns. Period. I made this clear to Bossman WEEKS ago.
And then she forwarded this to Bossman. For criminy's sake. I think this is turning into some sick game that I play with myself. How many times will she subtle-y insult Bossman via email before she gets fired? Oooh, only time will tell!!
I think the moral is don't say meannastyrotten stuff. But for those of us who are human, I think the important lesson is this: if you're going to be a turdburglar, don't do it in writing.