
Favorites of this very moment.

1. Television show: America's Most Smartest Model. Lord help me, I love this show. Whatever self-esteem I may lose not looking like a supermodel, I gain back ten-fold for knowing that "Darfur" is not the name of a men's cologne. Also, that the author of "Tom Sawyer" is not...Tom Sawyer. Score!

2. Music: Sam Cooke. Who knew I had such a love for old school R&B? "A Change is Gonna Come." No words. Just go download it on iTunes.

3. Movie: The Transformers. Scott bought this on DVD a few days ago. Okay, maybe not the height of cinematic screenplay genius, but, hot damn, those robots are f*ing awesome!

4. Food: Cheetos. At 10 in the morning. For breakfast.

5. Drink: Diet Coke. At 10 in the morning. For breakfast. Will be surpassed in roughly 45 minutes when I go to give (un)Lucky an oil change and stop by Star*ucks for a soy Pumpkin Spice latte.

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