
Am I really watching a Katherine Heigl romantic comedy on FX while drinking a glass of pinot grigio by myself?

Yes I am.

In other news, I just finished taking BB for a walk (we - meaning "I" - opted out of our evening jog and just went for a leisurely walk today*) and my little ten pound puppy took a leak seven times and took three - THREE! - number twos. Did you know that it is not at all a sign of mental illness that I keep count of my dog's bowel movements? Well, it's not OKAY?

Also, if you, like me, are in a constant state of horror at the state of our youth's writing skills and are in need of a good laugh, please click here. And make sure your speakers are on.

* I am planning on braving our building's exercise room treadmill in the morning. I can't stomach it right now. No, literally, I can't. My stomach is full of my bowl-of-tater-tots dinner.

*** UPDATE (45 minutes later): What just happened? One minute I'm sitting on my couch, about three sips into my glass of wine, watching a lame movie on cable television, and next thing I know I'm in Target. How did that even happen?? I think I saw a commercial for shampoo and conditioner on the television. Which reminded me of how often I've been taking showers the past week (partly because it is eleventy million degrees here already and partly because I've been bored and partly because I've been working out in the evenings yay!). Which then reminded me that my skin has been getting a little dry as a result. Which made me ponder the possibility of maybe not taking a shower tonight before bed. Which then made me tell myself, "You dummy. Of course you're taking a shower before bed tonight. You have psychological problems." Which made me realize that I don't want to keep washing my face with my regular soap to exacerbate the dryness. Which then made me get in my car and drive one mile to our nearby Target to buy a gentler, cream based face wash to use for the next few days. And then I also bought two greeting cards for no reason.

Anyway, I'm back now. Except now I'm watching Real Housewives of New York City. Upgrade?

*** UPDATE #2: OMG. I just spent the last minute licking my finger and viciously trying to swipe a stubborn cookie crumb off of the "<" key on my laptop...until I finally realized it was just the effing comma. What is in this glass of pinot grigio? Drugs??

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