
Brevard: Day Five

I think I have urinated about eleventy thousand times in the last five days. Also, I have guzzled nearly half of the jug of cranberry juice I bought yesterday, so I am feeling better.

In other news, we are welcoming and registering the opera company today. No big deal so far. The closest I have come so far to encountering the animal known in the wild as "The Soprano Opera Diva" is a French Canadian opera resident named Veronique. And to be clear, that's pronounced "Vekhneeek." And I really don't even think she's much of a diva...just French Canadian. Do you think it would be a good idea for me to ask if she knows Celine Dion?

Anyway, there are a bunch of faculty and staff members here who brought their dog with them, AND I AM NOT ONE OF THEM because I didn't think it would be allowed and I didn't want to ask and run the risk of making a bad first impression as somebody who asks ridiculous and high maintenance questions. So of course I am self-flagellating myself for not asking. I WANT BB HERE. The end.

UPDATE: Look, a white squirrel!

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