Hey, guess what the weather is like today? Near ninety degrees with eleventeen million percent humidity with alternating sunshine and cataclysmic thunderstorms. JUST LIKE IT'S BEEN ALL WEEK.
I wouldn't mind so much since the ultra green mountain forestry in the rain is really pretty and the sound of monster rain is quite pleasant, but the two pairs of flip flops that I brought are genuine leather Born sandals. I suppose I should go to Kmart and invest in some more utilitarian $3 rubber flip flops or something.
In other news, the two other Assistant Deans (for the High School division) are here and they are awesome: Erin and Michael, who are married and are both doctoral students in music at Ohio State University. Now that we're all here, we've got the numbers to form a Deans staff quintet! Now all we need to do is find some literature written for flute, clarinet, saxophone, euphonium and tuba. That's fairly standard instrumentation, right?
The Resident Assistants arrive tomorrow and we get to put them through RA training for the next three days. I hope the RAs that I will be working with (College Division females) are cool and not betches. Otherwise, I'll have to whip out my taser.
UPDATE: So I got tasked with driving a giant behemoth of a minivan (dubbed "The Spaceship") that is used as the staff vehicle to go pick up an RA that was arriving today from the Asheville airport:
Ysabel (realizing that she had been doing nothing but trolling Facebook and reading blogs for twenty minutes in Cale's "office" i.e. his cabin porch): Um...is there anything you want me to work on right now? I'm not really being very productive.
Cale: Well...we've got that one RA arriving in 45 minutes. Maybe you can go pick her up.
Ysabel: D'OH!
Anyway. The RA I picked up is a very pleasant and intelligent young lady from Carmel (woot Norcal!), who just graduated with a Masters degree in Piano from Indiana University. I had forgotten what it was like to speak with college students who can converse with educated opinions utilizing complete sentences strung together to form coherent paragraphs. *sigh* Anyway, she and the only other RA that is already here (all the others arrive tomorrow) happen to be a pianist and a cellist and we may or may have already decided to form a trio. First on the docket: The Brahms Trio, doy. This is quite exciting.
Also: I should also mention that this marks my first full week here and I have not been eaten by a bear yet.
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