So our cabins are supplied with toilet paper by the Music Center. WOOT! ...except for the fact that it is that low-cost one-ply nonsense that I* have no patience for.
Ysabel: you think it would be completely ridiculous of me to spend a portion of my first paycheck on a supply of luxurious toilet paper?
Dan: No. That would not be ridiculous at all.
I mean, seriously. One-ply? I don't play that game.
RA registration is the activity for the day. Three hours in, and only about five RAs have shown up. So really, all we have done so far is just sat around making inappropriate jokes while trolling our Facebook accounts and wasting time on the Interwebs. Speaking of: I want THIS.
On the plus side, the weather is sunny sunny sunny! Which means that it's still pretty toasty, but at least it doesn't feel like we're hiking through a dinosaur's fart cloud anymore.
* And by "I," I mean "my ass."
UPDATE: So Erin and I took it upon ourselves to go on a coffee run to one of the local coffee shops in town. Fact: If you walk around to a group of newly-met musicians and music administrators and say, "Hi, we're going on a coffee run. Did you want anything?" you WILL make friends. Anyway, so we ended up with a handful of drink orders. And THEN a man we had never met before named Mark introduced himself to us and PAID FOR OUR ENTIRE DRINK ORDER just because we were wearing our Brevard nametags and he saw that we were on staff at the Music Center! Turns out this gentleman owns pretty much half of the businesses in Brevard ("I own the movie theater downtown. And the UPS store. And the tanning salon. I don't even remember buying that tanning salon. I just woke up one morning and I owned it!") and is a great supporter of the Music Center. AND he is also giving us passes to watch movies for free at his movie theater. This is shaping up to be quite an enjoyable summer job. Now if I can only get my hooter cooter to feel better.
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