
Brevard: Day Three

Hullo. Continuation of housing lists is on the docket today. Super exciting (not so much). What is exciting is that I walked roughly fifty feet in the mother-effing woods in complete darkness last night carrying a bag of groceries and a 12-pack of bottled water without getting eaten by a bear or molested by a lunatic mountain hillbilly. I was glad. And then I proceeded to spend the remainder of the night inside my isolated cabin with the lights on and NPR (I found the NPR station in the mountains!) on the radio. I will be very glad when the RAs and students and faculty arrive at camp so I can feel like there are a multitude of people to protect me from meat-eating animals and crazy mountain folk.

Also, it smells like my air freshener here. Only, it's all of outside and comes from actual nature instead of chemicals emanating from an electrical outlet. I guess that's pretty nice!

I may update more later, depending on how successfully I can find mountain interwebs in these here parts.

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